Sunday, 21 January 2024

Post Set-up production reflection evidence

Production Set-Up Reflection 

Production Set-Up Reflection 

Evidence of setting up camera equipment

Health and safety
In this video I above, I am explaining the health and safety issues that may occur when filming in this certain location. Some other health and safety issues that may occur could be:
- The ground could be muddy so we could potentially slip and hurt ourselves.
- Because of our chosen location there are lots of trees and because they are low down, they      could hit us in the face when filming. 
- If it were to start raining, that could damage our equipment. Due to UK weather it is most likely that it will rain and there may be strong winds that could knock over our equipment.

I am walking to the location of where our film is set. We chose this location for our film because it is the most similar location to our script and storyboard. The location we chose was also a good choice as it is close by to us and we wouldn't have to travel anywhere far.

Planning Material
Here I am looking at the shooting script and checking which scenes need to be filmed.  I was able to check how long scene should be so we did not go over time.  However, the sheet was not printed clearly and it was  struggle to read.

In this photo I am looking at the script and finding out what we need to film and what characters and props will be included, as well as the lines that should be said. A strength that I had was that I was able to identify what certain scenes I had to do and what my lines were.

I am also checking the story board that I was in charge of and looking at the scenes and what should not be missing. A strength that I had was that I was able to refer back to the storyboard to see what exact scene I am supposed to do.

Strengths: Some strengths that I had was that I was prepared with my equipment and necessary information such as storyboard, script and shooting script. 

Weaknesses: I had a little trouble with setting up the camera on the tripod, but I managed to work it. However, this is something I can improve on. Another weakness that occurred was dressing appropirately for the weather. I should have checked the weather forecast before hand so I would not be too cold. This could have affected my acting as I would be too cold.

In this video I am setting up the camera and tripod for filming. 

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Script reflection